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Like any social media platform, getting followers on periscope has always proved to be quite a difficult task for most users. As a matter of fact, many people have often conceded that periscope is not amusing but it this is mainly as a result of very little numbers of periscope followers. But did you know that there are few tips that could play a very integral part in increasing your followers on the social media site? Yes there are, and quite simple too, all you have to do is to follow them relentlessly and you will see a change.
First and foremost, it is important that you get to ensure that your periscope broadcast is made public. Many people who make a mistake of having a private broadcast often lock out many people from viewing their broadcasts which in turns means that you will have low numbers of followers. Also, ensure that the content that you share is catchy and interesting. This will always attract more people to follow you and when they comment, do not ignore their comments, respond to them as a way of appreciation and they will tend to follow your broadcast closely.